Toe Flex

Exercise Description:

To perform the exercise, sit in a comfortable position with your leg out in front of you. Place a resistance band around the your foot and secure to a pole, door frame, chair, etc.. something that will not move.

Keeping your leg straight, use your foot to flex your toes and pull the band toward you, engaging the muscles in your foot and toes. Hold this position for a few seconds, then release the tension in the band and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise can help to improve the strength and control of the muscles in the feet and toes, and can also improve coordination. It's important to use proper technique and avoid overstraining the muscles in the foot and toes to avoid injury. You can make the exercise more challenging by using a resistance band with more tension or by increasing the number of repetitions.

Muscles Involved


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Sports Enhanced By Exercise

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