We don't sell ads. We don't sell data. We don't sell your private information. We simply sell an excellent health app.
Two flavors, two prices.

**Payed coming 24
Save big with Apexmortals
ApexMortals replaces a bunch of apps. See how our pricing compares to bundling Peloton, Daily Burn, & MyfitnessPal together:
- ApexMortals
Coming 24
- Routines
- Schedules
- Tools
- Logger
- Workout tracking
- Expense tracking
- Metrics
- Muscle refernces
- Exercise refernces
- Coming 24

- Peloton: Routines
- $12.99/month

- Daily Burn: Exercise References
- $19.99/month

- Myfitnesspal
- $9.99/month
- $42.97/month,
- $515.64 first year, $1,031.28 second year...
Apexmortals is just starting, our road map includes adding much much more. We have dreams here to get everyone into the shape and lifestyle that produce healthy, long, and enjoyable lives. The benefits of an apexmortal member will go beyond the price.
A leap for individuals & soon small businesses.
We started our business without outside funding. We know your money’s precious, and we want to help. That’s why Apexmortals is intentionally affordable for individuals. With the fall roll out introducing options for freelancers & small businesses just getting started.
Do you offer family plan pricing?
Not currently, but we are working on the details. We have families too, so it’s definitely on our mind. But for now, we only offer a single $99/year price for personal accounts.
Non-profit or Educational discounts?
Not at the moment, but we are working towards offering this to students, teachers, and health organizations. For now, we only offer the trial period and single $99/year price for personal accounts.
Can I cancel at any time, risk free?
With ApexMortals, cancellation is entirely self-serve, no questions asked, no retention specialists trying to talk you out of it. Cancel any time, no long-term contracts to lock you in. Simple, straightforward, and fair, just as it should be.
Can I pay monthly? Using what methods?
We only offer annual billing at this time. We will bill you $99 once-per-year (which breaks down to $8.25/month for 12 months of service). We require a credit or debit card for payment. We can’t accept purchase orders, checks, ACH/wire, PayPal, cryptocurrency, barter, or other forms of payment.
Will I be charged when my trial is up?
No. We don’t ask for a credit card to try Apexmortals, so we can’t charge you until you decide you want to become a customer. 100% your call, no surprises.
Are taxes included in the price?
No. Any taxes we collect are in addition to the stated prices.
Do you bill in local currencies?
We only bill in US Dollars. We know that means a high price in certain markets, unfortunatly at the moment, there’s not a lot of interest in Apexmortals in those markets. We’ll consider alternate pricing down the road, but for now USD it is.