It took a couple decades, but it finally is possible to say that walking goofy is actually really good for you. More explicitly, "Tea bag" walking is good for you. Who knew that a Monty Python skit would turn out to be very beneficial for your health. That is according to a research team that wanted to measure the M.E.T. score of walking like this.
M.E.T. score is used to calculate the bodies energy consumption based on weight, time, and intensity. While it is very discretionary, it does serve a purpose on attaining a ball park figure pertaining to energy usage, for people that can't afford the lab, equipment, and staff, that it takes to get concise numbers.
Silly Walk Monty Python
Here is a quick tutorial of how to perform the walk provided by Monty Python.
I don't know about you, but this was one of those stories I needed this week. While I don't think people will start walking like this, I do believe that it serve as a good reference to say that you don't need 45-60 mins of working out. Getting creative and finding ways that makes your body expend energy in a time constrained world, is more beneficial.
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Business recap:
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artist: honglin Tan
You can find their work here
Until next week, keep working out eating right and exploring this world to fullest capabilities.
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